Hi! Hola! Thank you for stopping by Our Big Journey. Let us share a little more about us and this blog here.
We’re Ellen/Ellie and Roberto, a couple who met in 2018 in Valencia, Spain while Ellen was traveling and working remote. Our journey together started there, and we have since traveled a lot through Spain, internationally, and even moved abroad together. Our blog name reflects our belief that life is one big journey for all of us, meant to be filled with meaningful experiences.
We started this travel and photography blog to document and share our travel experiences, tips, and information on destinations. You may notice themes in our content around outdoor activities and photography as we prefer travel experiences that combine those two hobbies of ours. For us, an ideal destination is somewhere we can have a good hike or beach day paired with beautiful landscapes.
We hope our content inspires you to go explore or feeds your wanderlust cravings. Find some inspiration to experience what this world has to offer. Currently, we’re living in Valencia, Spain and enjoying exploring our beautiful country. 💛 Stay safe, stay inspired.